Consortium members

Core consortium group

Dominique Arrouays

Dominique Arrouays

Dr Dominique Arrouays is a senior soil scientist from INRAE InfoSol Unit (France). He had been member of the IPCC (2002-2007) and of the ITPS of the UN-FAO Global Soil Parnership (2013-2015). He is currently Chairman of the Global Soil Map Working group of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS). He belongs to the editorial board of 3 international journals and is the Editor-in-Chief of the French Journal of Soil Science. 156 papers indexed in WoS (June 2019). H factor in GoogleSchlolar: 55.




Budiman Minasny

Budiman Minasny is a Professor in soil-landscape modelling at the University of Sydney. He has an undergraduate degree from Universitas Sumatera Utara in Indonesia and a MAgr and PhD degrees in soil science from the University of Sydney. He is passionate about the role of soil in managing climate change, food, water, energy security and maintaining biodiversity. He has more than 160 international journal publications, with research focus on digital soil mapping and modelling. Budiman’s research and contribution to the discipline of soil science has been on discovering the causes and controls of soil distribution over space and time. His work includes developing mechanistic models that quantify soil formation processes, and empirical models based on modern mathematical and statistical techniques that unearth pattern from data and explain the complexity of soil variation in space and time.

University of Sydney



Laura Poggio

Laura Poggio

Dr Laura Poggio is a researcher within ISRIC. The main focus of her research is on spatial and (geo)statistical modelling and integration of environmental data at different spatial scales, e.g. remote sensing and ground data using High Performance Computers. Her research also focus on applications and integration of information on soil-plant-climate interactions with land use, to assess the role of soil to support ecosystem services for sustainable development and use of natural resources. Laura is currently (2016-2020) the Chair of the IUSS working group on Digital Soil Mapping and a Advisory Board member of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) Pedometrics Commission.


The Netherlands


Zamir Libohova

Zamir Libohova

Dr Zamir Libohova is one of the leading experts for Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) and Soil Hydrological Modeling for the National Soil Survey Center of the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). Dr. Libohova conducts research with emphasis on DSM approach using existing soil and ancillary data sources to predict soil spatial and temporal variability and subsequent interpretations for prediction of soil behaviors by examining, evaluating, and developing mathematical and statistical models and methods to describe soil spatial and temporal variations across the landscape. Dr. Libohova serves in many capacities as member of scientific committees at various U.S. Universities, chair of DSM Working Group Division 5, S5, SSSA and Soil Geomorphology, Executive Secretary for the GlobalSoilMap Project, Member of organizing committees for various International Conferences, and member of editorial board for several scientific journals.

NRCS-USDA National Resource Center Service

United States, Department of agriculture, USA (USDA)


Titia Mulder

Titia Mulder

Titia Mulder is currently a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Soil Geography and Landscape group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. She is an expert in spatial, temporal and soil-landscape modelling for understanding large-extent soil and ecosystem dynamics and the development of proximal soil sensing techniques for monitoring changes in soil properties. Currently, she is the chair of the IUSS Pedometrics Commission for the period 2018-2022 and actively involved in the Pillar4 WG of the Global Soil Partnership and various European (EJP Soil) and national research (Climate Envelope) projects aimed at mapping and monitoring soils for a sustainable future.

Wageningen University and Research

Wageningen, The Netherlands


Pierre Roudier

Pierre Roudier

Dr Pierre Roudier is a scientist within the Land Use and Ecosystems team at Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, in New Zealand. He is also a Principal Investigator at Te Pūnaha Matatini, a Centre of Research Excellence on complex systems and networks hosted by the University of Auckland. His areas of expertise include image analysis, remote and proximal sensing, spectroscopy, digital soil mapping, data visualisation, and applied statistics. He is passionate to combine these skills to improve information about our soil resources -- and how this information can be best used by a range of stakeholders. He applied these ideas at a range of scales, in New Zealand, Antarctica, and the South Pacific region. Pierre is a member of the Editorial Board of the Geoderma Regional journal, a Advisory Board member of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) Pedometrics Commission, and the vice-chair of the Global Soil Map IUSS Working Group. 

Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research

New Zealand


Modification date: 31 July 2023 | Publication date: 07 July 2019 | By: Anne Richer-de-Forges